Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Foster Parent Licensing

In caseTRACK, foster parents are recorded as clients. This enables users to associated any number of addresses, phone numbers, tasks (such as required documentation and screenings), etc.

In addition, one of caseTRACK's more recently added features is the Licensing feature. Now you can add this vital information to your foster parent's electronic record by simply adding 2 quicklinks:

  • Add a License
  • View Licenses

For help adding Quicklinks, take a look at this post,

Once you have added these quicklinks, you will be able to easily maintain current and historical license information for your foster parents.

Add a License

To add license information for your foster parents, search for and select the foster parent's record to go to their client information page.

Click the 'Add a License' quicklink at the top of the client information page. Fill out the license information and click 'Save'.

You have now associated a new license record to the foster parent.

View Licenses

To view or edit an existing license, click the 'View Licenses' quicklink at the top of the parent's client information page.

This will open another window with all the foster parent's license(s). To view the license, click the view icon, to edit the license, click the edit icon. To delete the license, click the delete icon.

Note: The only reason to 'delete' a license is if the license information was entered in error originally. There is no need to 'delete' an old license if there is a new license that superseeds the old. Instead you can edit the license and change the license status to 'expired'.

Available Reports

These reports are currently available in the reports category, Licensing:

  • My Division's Licenses Expiring
    Displays the Licenses expiring in a user specified date range.
  • My Division's Licenses Active
    Summarizes the active homes and licensed beds in your division.
Other Identification

If you want to go the extra step of connecting the Foster Children to appropriate Foster Homes, you can use the Other Identification feature. As long as both the foster parents and the foster children have the same "Foster Parent License ID" they will be connected.

The logical License ID would be the ID on the foster parent's license issued by the state, but individual foster parent licensing programs may choose to use another ID if it makes more sense for the program's purposes. The important thing to remember is to be consistent within the program.

You can take a look here for a little more information about the many uses for the Other Identification feature:

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Q: What do ASQ, Ages and Stages and Edinburg Postnatal Depression Scale have in common?

A: All these scores and assessments can now be tracked in caseTRACK.

Scores and Assessments Feature

You might have already noticed this new feature on your caseTRACK client page.

The new Scores and Assessments feature can be used to track your client's current and historical scores on a variety of different assessments.

If your program requires that you provide an assessment and track your clients' progress from initial score to discharge score (or periodic scores during scores), let us know.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

I Don't Know My Clients Social Security Number

When creating a new client in caseTRACK you are required to enter a social security number. So what do you do when you don't have that information?

Creating a Pseudo-SSN

If it is not possible to obtain the person’s actual SSN, you should use a 9 digit pseudo-SSN in the format FMLMMDDYY where:

F: First letter of the First Name
M: First letter of the Middle Name. If the client does not have a middle name, use the letter “X” as the second digit.
L: First letter of the Last Name
MM: Enter month of Birth (use leading zeros for Months, e.g., 01 through 09)
DD: Enter day of Birth (use leading zeros for days, e.g., 01 through 09)
YY: Enter year of birth (use leading zeros where necessary, e.g., 01 through 09)

For example, if your client's name is Elmer T. Fudd and was born on 1/1/2005, Elmer's pseudo-SSN will be ETF010105.

In cases where your client's exact birthday cannot be obtained, determine the person’s approximate age (ask, “How old are you?” or give your best guess), then code the birthday as January 1 of the appropriate year.

If 2 individual's pseudo-SSNs are identical, you can use X, Y or Z in the middle initial position. For example if Elmer has a twin brother Ernest T. Fudd, you could use a pseudo-SSN of EXF010105.

Note: The pseudo-SSN should always be used for that client until the true or correct social security number is known.

If you are simply fascinated with Pseudo-SSNs and just have to read more you can take a look at Department of Children & Families Pamphlet 155-2.

Friday, January 29, 2010

What are Collateral Contacts?

The Collateral Contacts feature in caseTRACK can be used to organize a client's family members, extended family and their Multi-Disciplinary Team (MDT) members. Using caseTRACK collateral contacts feature to store this information in a single place allows for shared access to this important information.

A client can have unlimited collateral contacts. Examples of collateral contacts are Grandparents, Therapists, Teachers, Clergy, Probation Officers plus many others.

A single collateral contact can be associated with more than one client and can have different roles for different clients. For example, a collateral contact can be “Teacher” to client A and also be “Parent/Guardian” to client B.

A collateral contact can be currently or historically involved in the client's case.


Unlike storing contact information in a hard copy file in a storage room or in Microsoft Outlook, the clients contacts are organized an easily accessible by other caseTRACK users who might need the same information.

Because a collateral contact's information is shared, updated information flows instantly through to all clients associated with the contact.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Recent Medicaid Billing Enhancements

Over the past several months, as the MTS integration has progressed, we have been able to make some improvements to caseTRACK. Using the feedback from users in the field, we have found better ways of displaying caseTRACK progress note (service) information and better ways to provide feedback from the Medicaid Billing system.

Here are few of those enhancements:

Enhancements to the Client Screen

In order to more easily identify potential issues in regards to diagnosis, funding sources and authorization information these items have been added in the progress note drilldown section under each client.

Also in this section, there is now a "View Status History" icon.

Clicking this icon allows users to see when a note was submitted and approved.

Enhancements to Reporting

Two new reports have been added to help find progress notes submitted if you should happen to forget to print the confirmation page. Progress Notes By Batch Number and Progress Notes By Batch Date Range can be used to help figure out whether or not a note has been "signed off" on.

You should be using the Billing Edit report on at least a weekly basis. This report helps identify potential rejections before the services are submitted to Medicaid or an HMO for payment.

Users now have the ability to view a "Services Billed" report. This report shows the services submitted to billing that have passed billing edits and also shows the service's current billing status.

Under development and testing are 2 more reports:

  • My Division's Aging - This report shows the services denied or billed with no response in 60 days for your division. Services can be grouped several different ways including by client and by worker. The accounts receivable amounts are displayed in 0-30, 31-60, 61-90, 91-120 and 121+ day "buckets."
  • My Division's Denials - This report shows the services billed and denied for your division.

Once these reports are tested we will publish them and send a notice.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

What Did I Sign Off On?

Service Signoff Confirmation

It used to be that you signed off on your workers' progress notes and received your confirmation page. Because you are a diligent supervisor, you printed the confirmation page for your records in case there was ever a question of what you signed off on and when.

But what if you forgot to print the confirmation? Or what if you lost your printed confirmation page?

Up until now, you had to send the helpdesk an email requesting the record of the approved services.

New Signoff Reports

Now, as a supervisor you have the ability to retrieve the notes you signed off on by using 2 new reports.

  • Progress Notes by Batch Date Range

This report shows you the services you signed off on today, since yesterday or in the last 7/14/30 days. Use this when you are unsure of the specific batch number


  • Progress Notes by Batch Number

This report shows you the services signed off on for a specific batch number. This report will look almost identical to the confirmation page you receive after submitting your notes.

Hopefully, these 2 new reports will help you help yourself when questions regarding your Medicaid Billing submissions arise.

Let us know if there are any additional reports you would find helpful in regards to Medicaid Billing.

Monday, August 10, 2009

caseTRACK's Other Identification Feature

caseTRACK's "Other Identification" feature allows a user to record additional information about a client such as Driver's License #, Pseudo-SSNs, etc. Adding this additional information can be helpful when you are viewing a client's electronic file, but it can also serve 2 other important functions.

Cross-System Reporting

If your client is a part of several programs and each program has it's own assigned "Client ID" or "Case ID", the "Other Identification section can be used to record this other ID. Once the ID is recorded it allows us to run cross-system reports to verify accuracy and maximize on the data stored both locally and in other systems. When we can pull in additional data elements from other systems we are required to use, by contract, we eliminate the need to duplicate data entry and provide a more comprehensive view of our clients.

Grouping Clients as a "Case"

Many times we serve more than one client in a family. In these cases we may assign a "Family ID" for the whole group. In caseTRACK, each client is created in the system. So how do you group these multiple clients into one "case"?

Each program can create a distinct ID to group clients together as a unit. For each client, create an identical "Other ID" in the same format and at that point they are linked. We can report on distinct "cases" and you can easily navigate between clients involved in the case by clicking on the respective ID.